My little guy is 4 weeks old! I never believed when people said time will fly by but it really does. He is 11 lbs 3 oz. right on track according to his doctor :) I just have to brag a little bit this little guy is my absolute everything. Even through the tough sleepless nights for me I wouldn't trade them for anything.
My advice for you expecting mama's would be to enjoy your pregnancy, I know you're uncomfortable but try and sleep as much as possible and enjoy feeling your little miracle on the inside. Also, once you're in labor as hard as it is to type this.. enjoy it, it's the last moments before your little one comes out and your entire world changes. you'll love every moment and sometimes not enjoy it lol.
but seriously, take pictures, snuggle them as much as possible even if you just wanna go back to bed. Hold on to them and enjoy them. It goes too fast.