single lesbian just entering motherhood. can't trust everyone that tells you they love. my ex left me get drugged up . she left me.behind and I end up having a baby. I'm due in March of2016. but I don't like men. #studgivingbirth
Wow ! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. A lot of women in this app are very supportive and we will all help you if you ever need anyone to talk to. ☺️✨
it's ok girl! this app has alot of support for ANYTHING you are going through. I been on here for over a year now. message me if you ever need to talk! single mommy right here to ;) and my daughter was Def NOT planned.
no.she left me at a party and allowed someone to slip something in my drink. I did not want kids. I knew how u had to have them and was not interested..... but he is mine regardless of the situation. my son will be the only man I ever love........ we were not planning this.