Help! I had my baby yesterday, and we're still at the hospital, and she will not sleep at all unless either daddy or I is holding her. Any advice on how to get her to sleep?
She just needs to be close to you. It's ok to let her; she isn't used to the world yet. All she knows is that you smell right and feel right and sound right and have nourishment.
Thank you all. Turns out she just likes to cuddle, I slept with her right next to me in the bed and she slept just fine! @2ndprincess @mylittlejulyprincess @onemoretime @raheemah
she just got out your womb yesterday she hasn't fully processed everything's she's probably scared or something hold her close to your chest have her listen to your heartbeat it's all she's known . feel stressed ask your nurse hun. welcome to mommy world my daughter didn't sleep off me till she was about a week and a half and even then she's wake every hour . Hopefully you get the hang of thins soon