Kamdyn Skyler was born on November 5, 2015 at 8:27PM weighing 5 lbs 14 oz and measuring 14 1/2 in long. She had some trouble with her heart rate dropping and luckily I was completely dilated by this point so we went ahead with delivery. She wasn't breathing when she came out but with a lil help she came to. She seems perfectly fine now but they're keeping her overnight in the nicu :( I'm so sad and trying not to worry but I can't even go see her til they move me to mother and baby instead of labor and delivery.
time to practice patience. they will watch over her very well dont worry. as for u...time to rest. so ur milk supply isnt stressed. time to enjoy a nap and when u get ur baby to hold and cuddle ur going to have more energy. congratz omg. :)
@cimarie1314, at least you got to spend alittle time !! They took my baby right after delivery I saw him for 2 seconds :( it was terrible but soon it will be over . He's 9 months soon and I totally forgot about that ! So dw !
@mrsmord, it is so difficult! They gave me and hubby time with her and I can go see soon as I get moved but that's just not enough it feels like. Thank you for the words of encouragement it helps so much!