3 weeks post partum today and still struggling with my milk supply. I'm open to suggestions. I try to nurse as much as possible but my little guy won't stay latched for longer than just a few minutes because he gets so frustrated. I supplement formula and then if time allows after feeding him I pump. I barely get enough to fill the bottom of the cups, nothing to get excited about. He eats about 4 ounces in each feeding so I can't blame him for getting mad at the tiny bit I produce. I drink Mothers Milk tea 2-3 times a day and I'm taking Fenugreek 2 capsules 3 times a day and nothing helps...starting to wonder if I should just give up on breastfeeding and just stick with the formula...

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sorry and @tabby1995
05.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thank you for the suggestions @xoxocm4314 @mommyofmisters @mrsmoore
05.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
I didn't know you could get Brewers Yeast in a pill, definitely going back to the Health Food Store for those and Blessed Thistle. I don't want to give up nursing but I don't want my little guy getting so frustrated just to eat. In the hospital he was almost always latched on nursing but within a week of getting home I knew my body wasn't producing enough for him. I have been sick this week and haven't been able to eat or drink much other than broth and water but that's also when I started dropping in milk supply. Before getting sick I was able to pump about 2 ounces every 3 hours, now when I pump it's hardly anything so I tried bumping it to like every 4-5 hours but it got worse...that's where I messed up I guess I should have started pumping more instead of less...sick and sleep deprived are not a good combination when dealing with a very hungry baby...
05.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Try massaging your breasts while you pump. That's what helps me get more out. Also, pump after as many feedings as possible..worked wonders for me.
05.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
I had a very hard time but I had twins and couldn't produce enough for them both I was very bummed out blamed myself but it happens .
05.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
You have to pump every 2-3 hours to establish a good supply for 15 min even if you are not getting anything keep pumping . You can get Brewers Yeast ( same ingredient in lactation cookies ) . You can get them in pill form and the edible kind you can put in your foods or drinks . I also use a combo of Fenugreek , Blessed Thistle, Mothers Milk Tea , and Brewers Yeast . Drink lots of water and eat healthy lots of oats !
05.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
talk to a lactation consultant they have good advice
05.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
dang. I would just formula feed at that point. That's just my opinion though.
05.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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