Tomorrow I'm getting my membrane stripped, I really hope this gets things going cause I am soooooooo uncomfortable, on a good note this is my last week of work! #morethanready
Oh ok, my doc always asks if I want to be checked so I guess everyone is different. I hope you guys can avoid a c-section too, I watched my friend go through it and she had a hard time. Well keep us updated on how your sweep goes on friday!
I have no clue lol wish I knew how to check. Last appointment was 36 weeks for the strep b. My Doc normally doesn't start checking till 39 weeks but we're trying to avoid a c section and trying for a vbac so he is allowing it this time
@babybean0015, thanks girl! I hope something starts happening for you as well....they weren't playing when they said the last month was the hardest. Maybe I'll be more patient when I don't have to come to work anymore.