I love being a mom. I love looking at my sweet baby boy and talking to him. I love him more than anything.
That being said.. he's almost a month old and these past few weeks have been the absolute hardest and dare I say the worst. I have been so sleep deprived every night with a handful of decent nights here and there. My body has hurt more in the last few weeks than it did in the last week of being pregnant. My mind has been on auto pilot and sometimes I don't even know what I'm thinking or even if my brain is working. I don't know how exactly to put into words how tired I am.. I have not been away from my little guy since we brought him home from the hospital. My fiance was off work for 3 days.. he works 12 hour shifts 3 or 4 times a week so I'm pretty much on my own with our little guy.. not to mention his days off or the days he goes in he sleeps all day. Most nights that I'm up with our baby is spent crying because I'm trying everything I can to maintain my sanity.
I didn't type this out to get attention or to get likes.. I typed this out because I am so lost as to where to go and who to talk to. I just need to vent.

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@aek91, thank you
02.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
It gets easier as the baby gets older hang in there! The first weeks are horrible! I know exactly how you feel, it really sucks having no type of help. My sons father worked 3rd shift when our baby was first born. It was the worst I swear I was a walking zombie I have a 7 year old so I had to be up all day & you know get up early & stay up late nights I had no breaks at all it really really sucks but I promise you, it will get better!!
02.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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