Well my little guy is almost 3 weeks old. These past 3 weeks have been incredibly difficult with my fiance being a police officer and working 12 hour shifts and only having a few days off here & there not to mention when he's home our little guy doesn't sleep well at all with the exception of last night he decided to give us a break, finally. That's the one thing I would tell my pregnant self was to get as much sleep as possible because as soon as that baby gets here you can kiss a regular sleeping schedule and naps goodbye. It's definitely been the hardest thing to adjust to. Don't get me wrong I love being a mommy but I cannot wait to get some sleep..

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26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
@jennatess, thank you! Yeah he works for a smaller department so getting more time off was pretty impossible plus we needed to pay bills lol. @mrsmoore yes I'd have to agree!
26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
first months are hard !
26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
I hear ya! If I could give one piece of advice to myself before my daughter arrived: SLEEP NOW.😴😴😴. I'm sorry your husband wasn't able to get more time off of work. I was lucky enough to have my husband her 6 weeks off. They start to sleep much much better at 2 months ish. Just keep strong until then! ❤️
26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
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