Well my doctor just came in and he is pissed. He said he was going to get this baby stuff straightened out and someone's head was going to roll over this. The nurses are all mad over it too
It is very upsetting @just9monthsx3 my doctor and midwives know that it is false. I was negative and one baby was negative. Neither baby went through any kind of withdrawals, they are both big and healthy considering they were born at 36 weeks 4 days and they are both breastfeeding perfect. I have to go to the nursery to see or feed them though, I can't even have them in my room
@natesgirl, I remember how upset I was when it happened and I freaked out I demanded they retest me and was pissed bc they came in put a bag on my sons penis and I asked what's that for ohh we have to test him for something ! His came back negative and mine was positive and I was like duh obviously it is wrong !! Sorry girl I know how upsetting it is !!