my daughter woke up screaming bloody murder earlier and I noticed this all over her face and neck . I have NO IDEA WHAT IT IS . I gave her a bath made her a bottle and rubbed her belly until she fell asleep . my finance works nights so I am alone and not sure what to do . anyone know what this could be ?
poor thing 😞 that's gotta be awful! i would def call drs office but if it's going to be awhile i would take her to ER! especially since you said she is itching it don't want it to spread anymore
kinda looks like hives?? change what she's been eating lately??? @kimberlyyyy is right I'd call her pediatrician asap in the morn...hope all is well and works out babe... prayers for you
I don't think bug bites would spread like that but I'm not sure. I could play the "could it be ___?" game all night so I won't torture you. I would recommend calling her pediatrician when you can & maybe they'll squeeze you in. Lotions and other baby products may irritate the skin more so try to refrain from using anything. Hope she feels better soon!
@kimberlyyyy, just watched her sheets and clothes with the same one I have been using. nothing has changed. she keeps scratching so I'm not sure . I looked on her crib to see maybe a spider or something but found nothing .
Have you washed her clothes or any clothes she's come into contact with with any new/scented laundry detergent or used a scented fabric softener/dryer sheet?