Labor story...well Wednesday evening around 8pm I started having irregular contractions and my back was hurting more than usual. I honestly thought it was just the way the baby was laying. By 10pm I realized the contractions were coming a little more regularly and about a half hour apart. By 11pm they were coming every 20 minutes and definitely getting stronger. At 12am I called the hospital to explain they were about 15 minutes apart but since I live an hour and a half away from the hospital I wanted to at least be checked. After checking my medical history the midwife told me to head on in. Got to the hospital around 2am and after being checked into the system I told the nurse I really needed to be checked. I was still in triage having a monitor hooked up when I told the nurse we really didn't have time for all this. It was 2:40am and I knew we didn't have long. The nurse said she would check me as soon as she came back, then walked out of the room. No one, including my fiance realized how serious I was that I was about to deliver. The nurse came back and checked me, dilated to a 7 but baby was there. She immediately got me into a labor and delivery room, apologizing because according to her I behaved as if I wasn't in labor at all when in triage. I was put in the room by 2:45am and Wesley was born at 2:59am. No complications, all natural and he came out perfect. He weighed in at 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20 inches long. The nurses and staff have been wonderful but we are looking forward to going home later this afternoon.

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Thanks @shortiebs !
16.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Awesome labor story! Congrats!
16.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
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