Hi everyone I am new to this app and finding my way around, just had an early scan due to previous eptopic, bump is doing fine and in right place :) now 8 weeks gone, can't wait to feel our baby, hope you are OK?
congratulations, u had an ectopic in march, glad you've had your early scan to check that everything is in the right place, it's hard to settle until you know x
Hi big congratulations on your pregnancy 💙💜and sorry for your loss in your last pregnancy. I had a miscarriage before I fell pregnant with my little boy that I'm currently 26 weeks and 2 days pregnant with. Hope you're all ok and welcome to this app my lovely 👶😘
Bad foods are ok..once in awhile xD Just have to reduce your caffeine intake etc :) Avoid undercooked meats, raw fish/undercooked fish, runny eggs...there's a few other things to avoid...oh and make sure all fruit and veg are washed properly before you eat it. If you have a cat...get someone else to change the litter box. That's about it. Your midwife should explain everything to you anyway :) @charley2286
Yh got tablets and trying not to eat the bad foods, had to change a few things in my diet, but for healthier options, I work nights so I get to sleep all day before work and chill on my days off, thanks for the info x
Awe, I slept a lot in the first trimester xD I will be at the end of the second trimester in a few weeks and it is still very tiring :) I suggest resting as much as you can and need. Take your pregnancy vitamins etc! especially folic acid as it will prevent your bubba from getting curvature of the spine xD You can find folic acid is green leafy veg and most fruits leg strawberries and oranges...also some cereals :) x @charley2286