Sara Dawson
Sara Dawson
So I haven't been on in a couple weeks... Last Sunday, a week and a half ago, I got severe stomach pain. I knew what it was since I had been in the hospital for 5 day with the same thing last November. I went to the ER and they sent me straight to the OB floor. Diagnosis was a small bowel obstruction. I had an NG tube put in for a day and a half and had two soap suds enemas. I have been put on/back on Senna-S, Miralax, Colace, and Mylicon (simethicone/ gas-x). And I am to continue the ones I was already on. The importance of drinking tons of liquids and eating several small meals per day rather the 3 larger meals was emphasized. I already had an appointment with the OB doc on Monday and GI on the 13th. Plus I am now seeing the High Risk OB clinic on the 21st including and ultrasound.
Every thing went well at Monday's appointment. I got my flu shot and baby checked out good. My Doctor said I probably wouldn't be back there because the High Risk Clinic will most likely be taking over my care.
I knew my GI issues would be a challenge during this pregnancy (considering I was in the middle of multiple testing when I found out and had to stop pursuing a diagnosis), but I never imagined it leading to this again. I was doing so good! Better than before without all the laxatives, until I hit a brick wall on Sunday. They assured me that everything I am now taking is safe, and they are going to keep a close eye on Kaylee, but so far so good.

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And @momma588 Thank you!!!
07.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have gone 5-7 days before. I was taken of Linzesse and 6 other laxatives when I found out I was pregnant. My GI put me on lactulose, but it made me want to vomit (which I physically can't do because of the Nissen fundoplication surgery I had last April due to severe reflux). It sounds like the high risk clinic will be keeping a close eye on me. I can't to coffee because the acid tears up my stomach and makes my heartburn horrible. I was being tested for Crohn's, colon hypomotility, Gastroparesis and others when I found out I was pregnant. We know I have IBS, just still don't know why. I read an article last week that discussed how IBS is related to PCOS, so that will be something I'll be looking more into.
07.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
glad your doing okay now. I have IBS issues. so I know what it's like to have stomach issues all the time. what normally helps me is coffee lol. but at times it doesn't help 😢 I've gone a whole week without having a bowel movement. but I hope things don't get worse for you and baby. your in my prayers.
07.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
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