So I haven't been on in a couple weeks... Last Sunday, a week and a half ago, I got severe stomach pain. I knew what it was since I had been in the hospital for 5 day with the same thing last November. I went to the ER and they sent me straight to the OB floor. Diagnosis was a small bowel obstruction. I had an NG tube put in for a day and a half and had two soap suds enemas. I have been put on/back on Senna-S, Miralax, Colace, and Mylicon (simethicone/ gas-x). And I am to continue the ones I was already on. The importance of drinking tons of liquids and eating several small meals per day rather the 3 larger meals was emphasized. I already had an appointment with the OB doc on Monday and GI on the 13th. Plus I am now seeing the High Risk OB clinic on the 21st including and ultrasound.
Every thing went well at Monday's appointment. I got my flu shot and baby checked out good. My Doctor said I probably wouldn't be back there because the High Risk Clinic will most likely be taking over my care.
I knew my GI issues would be a challenge during this pregnancy (considering I was in the middle of multiple testing when I found out and had to stop pursuing a diagnosis), but I never imagined it leading to this again. I was doing so good! Better than before without all the laxatives, until I hit a brick wall on Sunday. They assured me that everything I am now taking is safe, and they are going to keep a close eye on Kaylee, but so far so good.