I went to an u/s place where I paid to find out at 13 weeks my dr is doing the anatomy scan on Tuesday im 18 weeks now so through my dr I'd be barely finding out
I have an elective ultrasound done at 14 weeks she said it was a boy I have been told 2 other times since then it's a boy. Once by the hospital when I was bleeding (found out I have a placenta previa) and then again by my doctor last week.
My first ob wouldn't til I was 20 then the new one I had with this last one told me at 14 weeks. I asked about it and old school doctors say they have to wait til 20 weeks so the ultrasound is very clear but with today's technology you can tell at 14 weeks
i think its basically a chance thing. i think it all depends if they are able to catch it on ultrasound. but they usually wait until they know they will catch it instead of taking a chance.