Sandi West
Sandi West
Hey ladies! Have any of you had all ur HPT results be really light? I have taken two tests 4 days apart and both have the faintest line. It's definitely there but super light. The other issue here is if I am preggo then I should be like 5 weeks and then results shouldn't be that light right?? We've only been TTC for two months so it would be great if I am but I'd prefer a BFP over a nearly invisible line :/

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Either get a blood test done or a digital pregnancy test.
04.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
I would just go to the doctors to do a blood test or a pregnancy test there:) its free and they can count how much hcg you actually have, so if you are pregnant, they can tell! I kept having negative tests, and finally I thought that they were all wrong. So I went in, and looked like I was pregnant after all:) I just went to an urgent care:)
04.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
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