Haha we sure are. I'd pick loads of weight over hormonal malarkey any day. Your very lucky 😊 and your so right it's weird how everyone reacts differently. Do you know what your having? I can't remember if you have already said so. Sorry xxx
Aw we are shorties! Oh lucky you! Haha I've put on so much weight but it's all gone to my bum and boobs haha. I find t so weird how it effects people differently, I have literally had no problem with my hormones at all through this pregnancy! If anything it's made me happier haha😂. Aw bless! Can't get over that he got you a car!! Lucky lucky girl! 👌🏼 xx
I'm tiny too, 5'1 and shrinking with age 😀 Haven't put any weight on but just the pot belly. As for hormones, I'm literally awful with them, don't get angry just very low and tearful, but your defo right, every bad minute is worth it for this little one.
And well the car, crikey I still actually can't believe he did that. Still thanking him now for what he's done, bless him. Xx
@suzie31, me too! I'm 5'2/3 and have a tiny frame so belly hasn't grown that much!! You should be the same! 😊 but everyone's body is different! Oh no really???? Well it's all worth it in the end!! How are you enjoying your car? 😉 xx
I'm a petite frame so I'm a bit worried I'll end up looking like a weeble haha but so far it seems to be going okay reguarding size. As for the pregnancy itself, all is well now but bloody hell at the beginning I was a depressed emotional wreck. Hormones were all over the place, seems to have balanced out a bit now though thank god. Pregnancy is Def harder than I ever imagined it would be. Xx