I'm sorry that sucks....I had a lot with my 1st I had my appendix taken out at 33weeks and I fell into labor 3 times and they stopped it so finally when my body was ready they had to jump start it cuz I wouldn't dilate I was in labor for over 36hrs and they had to pop my water....and then I got a bacteria infection and it was just bad very very bad but 5 pushes And my son was out :)
I just been having really painful cramps and back pain and every once in awhile I get pain down there and Tylenol is not doing shit for the pain but I've not lost my plug and as far as I know every time I've been checked by my doc when I go in for pain he says my cervix is still closed which they got me scheduled for c section again with this baby because with my first I never dilated I stayed 1cm threw out my whole pregnancy and that was after having some kinda pill they gave me and the patocin so yea I had a lot of complications with my first and I'm afraid I will with this one two
Yeah I've had little boy but I don't remember most of it because I was in the hospital on pain meds from 33weeks on I never felt my contractions or anything.....so I'll take all the help and advice I can get trust me I need it I'm freaking out....I took a bath and it made it feel a little better but my back is still hurting so I'm starting to worry @mamalamadingdong
I'm having the same pains and I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow but I just thought it was bad braxton Hicks because I havent even lost my plug and I'm not dilated
Well if they start to get more frequent and strong, my advice to you is to take a shower! I say that because you never know how quick your labor will move once it begins, so it's nice to get a shower in and feel fresh before you get to the hospital... and especially if you plan to get an epidural because you won't be able to get up to shower!
Well I'm already dilated 1 1/2 cm so they said it's ok if I go into labor....I'm almost 36 but the baby is measuring bigger and they have checked the lungs plus I had my first at 35 weeks @mamalamadingdong
That's how my contractions started out! It first felt like period cramps, but it would kinda shift to my back here and there. Then a couple hours later my water broke and it turned into full on painful back labor contractions! Hopefully your body is just preparing since you're only 35 weeks.