I'm 4cm dilated and I'm in so much pain😫 my husband has been nothing but a dick to me all day. I'm to the point to where I just want to break down and cry. Sorry for the rant
My husband says the house and raising our kids is my job that he shouldn't have to help me with any of it. I should of known better than to ask him for help cause it just puts him in a bad mood. I ended up caring it up the stairs and got it put away, but ever since I asked him for help he was a dick to me all day and with him trying to hurt my feelings which worked, I just didn't show him any emotion that it did. I've been having body pain.
I have no where to go my mom disowned me I haven't talked to her since last Christmas. My husband made it to where I have no friends except the Internet friends. The ones that I use to have no longer come around and he blocked their phone numbers so I can't call or text them. He isn't always like this, just when I ask him to do certain little task for me. He thinks since he works all the time and pays the bills that I can do everything else. I have no problem doing it just right now being 4cm dilated and in pain I figured he could help me out a little. But since I asked that made me lazy, worthless and a cunt. I mentioned how his ex wife would leave him with their kids that he had and wouldn't hear from her for days. And his mom even said am his ex wife never cooked or cleaned the house. They hired a girl to come and clean their house once a week. And they use to go out to eat on a daily. I called my mother in law just to have someone to talk to and she was so drunk she couldn't comprehend what I was saying. My husband finally passed out drunk on the couch. No yelling and screaming. I don't want to go back to the hospital and have them send me back home and waste a trip. It would really make my husband angry if I did that
Sorry... I think I might've said this before but that's just not healthy at all... It's technically abuse. He wouldn't carry a laundry basket one single time up the stairs? You are pregnant with his child... Ever since I found out I was pregnant my fiancée helps me do laundry every time it needs to be done and I don't lift anything. This guy needs a serious reality check. 👋
Wow I'm so sorry some "little boys" are so accustomed to the old days they feel like hats how it still has to be and use it as an excuse to be lazy as fuck! He's dam sure lucky to have u and is so disrespectful to even call you those names that's ridiculous !! Ignore his ass and if he doesn't change before your baby is born then maybe you are better off leaving there's obviously nothing good that can come out of him you and your kids deserve better and if leaving him helps u both see that then so be it I know none of us wants to leave the father of our children but to stay around all that idk if it would be worth it. My husband started to have a bad attitude when I first became pregnant and I was so close to leaving but luckily he changed and we fixed things but if we didn't I don't think I'd be able to stick around and put my child through that I'll keep you in my prayers girl good luck 💕
He's been in a bad mood all day. I haven't had a day to myself in 6 months I've been home taking care of our daughter and cleaning house. I asked him this morning to carry a laundry basket up the stairs cause it was heavy and he flipped out on me telling me it's my job to clean the house, do laundry, cook and take care of our daughter. He called me a worthless cunt mother and that once I give birth to our new baby I can get the fuck out and move in with my cunt mother cause I'm just like her. And it all started when I asked him to carry a basket of laundry up the stairs. And he has been nothing but a dick to me all day. He even mentioned wanting a divorce today. I was like whatever he said he doesn't want to be married to a worthless piece of shit that is ungrateful that is too fucking lazy to carry a basket of laundry up the stairs. I said nick I clean the house everyday. I cook three meals a day everyday. I'm allowed to go to the grocery store in town here. I said I have a hard time bending over to pick things up I have to squat to pick things up. My body hurts everyday and I haven't had a day to myself in 6 months and I have never once complained about any of it. I'm sorry I asked you to carry a basket of laundry up the stairs and he said he wanted to hit me and left