what are yalls opinions on being induced?

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I was induced on my due date with my first because I wanted him on that day, but the doctor did want to induce me sooner than that (can't remember why). I would say that i wish my first born could have stayed until it was his time to come out on his own, but being induced wasn't bad.
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
I agree I want to let nature run its course no need to alter it. Baby will come when ready
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm 100% against it unless medically NECESSARY. I would like a natural birth and inducing is not apart of that. It also makes contractions way stronger so I would probably need an epidural, which I will try my best to go without. Some medications Drs use to induce can cause major issues and uterus ruptures. I'm totally okay with being 42 weeks pregnant. When baby is ready, baby will come. Drs do too many things for their own convenience and mothers don't realize that 40weeks is an estimate. Your baby will most likely not be born on the due date. Before ultrasounds, due dates were less accurate guesses.
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
I did not want to be induced and i most definitely do not want a c section, I will only get one if my baby is truly at risk. My induction has been set up for the 24th but I am hoping I make some kind of progress by then but it does not look like it, I've tried absolutely everything I can to dilate more and I remain the same 1cm. I absolutely want him to come on his own but at the same time I do not want a c section, he is big and healthy already but I'd never induce right now, I want to give him as much time as I can. Im still not giving up though, I am still going to walk, squat on my exercise ball and try sex more.
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
multiple opinions, not options lol*
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
I will avoid being induced at all costs. If there is a dire medical need and I have multiple options telling me it is the best option, then yeah. Otherwise, I will let my baby come when nature intends him to. I assume that anyone asking to be induced for reasons less than anything serious simply are not informed on the facts and potential issues of induction. So that's great you are learning and asking questions! Also, like @royce_nikol mentioned, check out The Business of Being Born. The law has changed a little since that doc was made (doctors are now not technically allowed to schedule inductions upon request without a medical justification), but it is still very informative!
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Well just know that you can handle it all !!! You were designed to do this please watch it then tell me what you think about it
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
i havent. but i will look it up. im very new to all of this. and like to hear others opinions. @royce_nikol
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Honestly I think it's something that should only happen if it's absolutely necessary, because it interferes with nature and we as woman are a lot stronger than what can be explained , have you ever watched "the business of being born" it's on Netflix and YouTube it's very informative
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
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