Busy morning... took the little one to our local Farmer's Market. She was pooped out.
It was actually my first time going and I loved it! I was reading something yesterday that highlighted the fact that we are so busy counting calories and checking carbs etc... that we never really check the ingredients. This is so true for me! Food should contain 4-5 ingredients and you should be able to pronounce them...
Yes, I could pay to eat out all the time and buy processed foods or I can spend a little more to buy organic and fresh... In the end still is cheaper than eating out and I am investing in myself. What are your thoughts? #health #fitness #21dayfix #21dayfixchallenge #30minuteworkout #noexcuses #happy #family #striveandconquer #strive&conquer; #farmersmarket #organic #natural #whatisgoinginyourmouth
i love farmers markets!! its just been way too hot down here...i went for an hour a couple months ago & was miserable. cant wait to take my sweet pea! its great to buy local & fresh without all of the crappy preservatives & God knows what else.