@xoysuhbelle., i know the feeling girl !! luckly i got out eventually but i had to deal with the same shit for years. my mother in law woupd constantly talk shit about me then ask my boyfriend for money that im helping to make. it use to go right up my ass. honestly it doesnt get easier, people like that wil take take take and never give anything in return & always comment on what your doing. right now im struggling with my mother in law and sister in law even wanting to come to the shower , like its ridiculous . not that my mom is any better but sometimes i just feel bad for my hubby , like one second i try to be understanding then thw next im like fuck them both !! smh. just stay strong babe & know that its not selfish to want or need to take care of yourself and your child first , if people dont understand that then they dont need to be in your life. its tough tho i know.
@kids2, at least your parents are understanding and care! I'm happy you don't have to deal with this cause it's sooooo tough and stressing 😔 but thank you so much for listening & being my ears I'm just really frustrated. ❤️ @kids2
wowwwwww my parents would never ask for money from me or my bf, they would encourage us to save! I thank God my bf and I have our own place!
I'm sorry you're going through that, I will pray that yall can get your own place asap!
I'm just in the position where they're being inconsiderate towards us and not really letting hubby & I do all we can to give our Babygirl the best we can offer.. Like we've hardly been able to save to give Ava her own space. We're living in a 3 bedroom sharing a room with his brother & I can't even put up the bassinet because our space is so limited & you'd think they'd just think "let them work and save for their own little space" but NO Instead it's "take care of us we come first" kind of attitude when we're suppose to put our daughter first.. My family is trying all they can to give me all the other things I need like as far as baby stuff goes and wants me to focus on Ava but my in laws make it impossible..