thinking about getting an abortion now, my boyfriend of 2 years wrote me this all of a sudden, he's been acting a little off since we found out. I'm starting to think he's full of shit.. should I leave him for good? I need advice
Don't think abortion right off the bat... But as far as a relationship I would say he's showed his true colors, If he's saying he'll leave if the sex doesn't get better?! Then sorry he's a piss poor excuse for a man. You can find better, but don't let that be an excuse to get rid of the blessing in your stomach. Things happen for a reason... Don't just make a bold move is all I'm saying.
Alls I can say is if you really want to terminate your well within your rights ! But in no way shape or form do you need him to me an amazing mommy I know the thought of being single and a parent is terrifying I know that's my situation right now but when I have those moments when I don't know how I'm going to make it thru and I'm so overwhelmed and feel like my entire world has come crashing down I look down at my tummy and see where my little princess is and I wouldn't trade being a single mommy for anything she is already my entire world if it wasn't for her I'd be so lost right now but like I said its your choice and don't let anyone pressure you one way or the other
Or maybe he shouldn't let his mouth get him to a point where he won't have a dick to have a sex life with. What kinda fuck boy shit is that to say to the woman who is carrying your child. Worthless excuse for a human being.
What I'm sorry I'm in shock that he told you that ! That was so out of line and disrespectful I wish my fiancé had told me something like that I woulda been like if that's the case here's to door don't let it his you in the ass on the way out ! Men I swear sometimes they forget one of there heads actually has a brain in it ! Sorry your having to deal with that sweetheart you and your little bean don't deserve that !
I think you now have a big responsibility, You had unprotected sex and knew the consequences. You've created a beautiful life inside you. he or she already has a heart beat, they are already a part of you. your baby is innocent and shouldn't have to pay for you and your boyfriends mistakes with his or her life.
As for him, honestly there are waaay more fish out in the sea, there's better Men out there that will treat you like the queen that you are.
I was in your same boat, the thought of abortion crossed my mind a few times because of all the b.s. I made the firm decision to have my son and I don't think I've ever made a better decision in my life. He's truly my motivation. .. I don't NEED his father in the picture and I've made it very clear to him. I can take care of me and my son financially, physically emotionally... and he sees that. the tables turned as soon as I got myself a job.
Relationships aren't all about sex, and sometimes for some women sex during pregnancy is scary. I would bleed every time I had sex with my husband in my first trimester, so sex is something we definitely don't do as often anymore, that doesn't make me love him any less or make him love me any less. Do what's best for you and your child. Some men are like that, but you shouldn't subject yourself to that kind of emotional/mental abuse because you're worth more then that. If you need anything or anyone to talk to, you can always message me. But I wouldn't abort your child to please a man, because he may not always be around and you could end up regretting that decision for the rest of your life. Think long and hard about everything.
if he's more worried about his sex life and going to leave you fuck him!! honestly sex is better pregnant. unless he is scared of hurting the baby...some guys are honestly tell him use his hands more. but please don't will hurt more than leaving a longtime relationship. you deserve better hun @liamandaria @gabbii @optimommy @elenasmommy050315 @elenasmommy050315 @natalieviands
Being pregnant can make you not want to have sex. There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with him. The fact that he would think those things- let alone say them to you is so wrong. I'm really sorry you have to go through that. That is wrong.
on the contrary he should be taking care of you and meeting your needs your caring his child -___- i couldnt have sex for two months and never once did my husband say anything hurtful or mean to me. im sorry but id leave him
Babygirl, you have to do what's best for you and your baby. Now I'm not going to be one of those people who are just so against abortions that tell you not to do it . If you feel that you can take care of your child without him then you have to do what's best for you . You make the choice . And if he's only staying because of yalls sex life then that's a big issue as well . You make the decision. Do what's in your heart .
someone that says that you doesnt deserve to be in ur life or ur childs life..he obviously doesnt care in my opinion..i wouldve left my husband if he ever said that to me while i was pregnant. thats disrespectful and rude