@stephg4, good luck I'm also trying! everything. I'm on my 5th kid 37 weeks and last Thursday I was 1cm already....so my mom and doctor says soon since I've done had 4 kids.
my friend gave me hers to borrow but I don't think they are much u can get one at like Walmart in the workout section I think you'll be able to touch lol @blessedw7
Right!!!! I'm so ready to have her already, she is also my 4th. I hate these Braxton Hicks and I've had mucus with blood in it and can't believe nothing has happened 😔 @stephg4
I'm 38 weeks also and my dr told me she is ready also 😊 that they are going to schedule me for my delivery at 39 weeks. But I haven't dilated 😢 @stephg4