Hello Ladies 😄 has anyone else heard about rasberry leaf tea or capsules? I am currently taking 2 capsules a day... the future mother-in-law recommend them and i was wondering if it has worked for anyone else? :) xx
if you don't want to know then don't feel pressured to find out hun, it will be a lovely surprise!! I'd have waited but I'm too impatient 😄 x @winterbaby95
Well...I keep changing my mind between finding out and not finding out 😢😢😢 Even before I got pregnant...I didn't want to know until the birth!! @lovingourlittles
Yeah give it a go :) I will be posting my results but the rasberry leaf can't do any harm so why not!! although it's recommend that you take it after 36 weeks so don't get any just yet :) Everyone who I know, who has recently had a baby, they have all had little girls :) must be something in the water!! x @winterbaby95
Oo might have to try it out myself then xD :) :) :) Awe, thank you xD Ooo a little lady! 😍😍😍Everyone on here seems to be having little princesses! @lovingourlittles
I'm not taking them to induce labour :) the main benefits my mother-in-law had were a faster labour and absolutely no tearing... her and a group of 6 friends at the time all had the same outcome, so I thought I will definitely give it a whirl! and thank you :) yes I'm having a little lady 😄 congratulations to you x
I've heard about them xD But far too early in pregnancy to think about taking them :) Well I am nearly mid way :) so that early xD I think it is just a coincidence if they work...but I have read about people doing all sorts to induce labour :) Congratulations by the way! 😍Do you know what you are having??