I'm curious to those moms that co-sleep. Do you like it? Is there something you would do differently? The reason I ask is my daughter absolutely hates sleeping in her crib or bassinet, she will cry or scream until I pick her up.
Okay thank you. That's how I feel like I will squish her. 😒 So I guess a bunch of pillows around her and we shall see if she sleeps better this way. @bbyluvbump101
my baby girl (3weeks) does both but now recently I've been putting her in her crib ,well trying and she wakes up 10-15 minutes later 😑 soon as I put her in my bed with me she passes out for 4-5 hours 😑 which in a way is good cause she sleeps and I get sleep to but I'm always scared I'll drop her or smash her but hasn't happened yet. its like momma mode kicks in and youre a light sleeper so you'll know
Wen my son was born we co slept till he was about 5 months. I love it. It's easier on u and I feel like it makes ur baby feel more comfortable and safe