I cramped a lot when I was around 5-7 weeks. I was constantly worried about miscarriage because of it. But I think it can be normal. I would just look out for bad cramping and any spotting/bleeding. Hope it gets better soon!
thanks @liamandaria I'll try and get some sleep.
@kmommyoct15 well mine is just constant back pain and some like period cramps maybe I'm just paranoid.
I miscarried a few years ago I was only 7 weeks but I had been spotting & bleeding for about 2 weeks I knew it was coming when it finally happened that day I had this constant unbearable cramping in my tummy it hurt so bad
from son when I was in labor my contractions started in the back and I felt like period cramps. and now I got into a really big fight with my husband and i started getting period cramps and my back is hurts in waves. @liamandaria