My girl is 11 weeks old and wakes 2 (sometimes 3) times a night to feed, my health visitor said it's more than normal but other new mums all seem to have babies 'sleeping through' makes me feel bad but my instincts tell me I'm doing right for my girl as an individual .... I hate people comparing their babies to her when I haven't asked! Mila hardly ever cries but I don't tell everyone that because I know it could be a sore point for another mum out there .. Urgh... Just needed a vent 😐

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It's not a competition. Some people have whiny babies. Some people have hungry babies. Some people have sleepy babies. Every baby is different just like all adults are different. one set of rules doesn't work for everyone. I know people with 18 months and older who are still waking in the night ! my son would wake in the night but wouldn't cry 😣 so then I was torn between getting up and feeding him or leaving him. I would always get up to feed him just in case but if he hadn't of been such a wriggle bum in his moses basket then j wouldn't have known that he was awake and would have assumed that he slept through lol
03.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@reaganmommy2015, thank you xx it's hard anyway without feeling like you're not doing as well as other new mums!
03.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
All babies are different and sometime people do forgot that so don't worry it's normal
03.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
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