Yesterday at my 39 week appointment I was given the news that my cervix is not ready to be induced, in which I was hoping to happen yesterday, because I had gone and had an ultrasound done on monday and they said my baby is approximately 9lbs8oz and I have been measuring big. The concern is me not going into natural labor and the baby being to big that I have complications. In my mind the last thing I wanted was a C-section, because my sister and I, who are twins, have bad reactions to medication that she has had csections and has thrown up for hours after the procedure. My due date is Tuesday, if by my appt on wednesday things have not progressed or I haven't gone into labor I will be having a csection on thursday. This decision was one of the hardest I have ever had to make and I'm extremely upset, but I want to do what is best for my baby and not have complications. prayers would be appreciated and hope to go into labor before Wednesday.
Sending prayers. My sil was told her baby was over 9lbs from the u/s and she was measuring ahead too. They did a c section and baby was only 7lbs! Also, I have had many friends and family with 9+ lb babies and they were able to deliver naturally! Hoping all goes well for you! Sending prayers!