anyone struggle with thier little one having tummy troubles as newborns? my little girl is 5 weeks old and ever since I put her on formula she has been having the worst problems. (breastfeeding wasn't working for me I gave it my all) My daughter was allergic to the regular enfamil it caused her to bleed so she got switched to prosobee which made her really constipated so her doc switched her again to nutramigen. she's been doing great on the's been 2 or 3 weeks on it but Saturday I started seeing blood in her stool again. I called her doc he hasn't called back. had anyone experienced this? I'm trying to breast feed again this is just rediculois I feel so bad for her 😢

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you can also get donor breastmilk that might help.
31.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
Sometimes you have to switch formulas around to find one that will work with your baby with my daughter started on Enfamil but she had colic so switched her to gentlease which kind of work but she started getting fussy so I switched to a generic version of gentlease from SAMs club which worked for her
31.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
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