How do you know if you have a slow leak ? I woke up about 3:50 to a clear fluid with no discharge and not pee went and peed and heard a pop pop at 5:49 i got like a numb feel and peed again but thar numb weird feeling didnt go away about 6:36 i had a nother it was on a pad it aint big but it got clear spots and cream color spots at 6:59 I wiped with the pad and the place i wiped is clear but i also have a cream color around a wet spot but the cream color looks like my dicharge when i.wipe with toilet paper its 7:32 nothing since then besides pain that comes and goes thats irregular

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the samething happened to me n I was in the early stages of labor
30.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
I would go in and get checked only because you heard a pop. Just to be safe
30.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
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