So I went to the doctors today.. I have to go every week. I know I'm to early for that like way early but it's because I'm high risk because the twins are "fighting" for who's gonna be the biggest and making me bleed a lot. And no it's not because I'm miscarriage it's because went I got pregnant some how are some way I ripped the walling for my private part. And it caused a lot of problems. Now it's about 8:33 pm and I have to be put on bed rest for 48 hours at the hospital! $@ck!!!. To monitor me and the baby's heartbeat
At least this time there letting me have my 7 month old with me.. :)
Let's see how everything goes my doc says I might have this babies with in a couple week and I don't want that. She said probably by 25 to 30 weeks there gonna induce me.. That's gonna be scary for me and my hubby to see our baby girl and boy go through that. 😢🙏🏼