Nichole Schaffer
Nichole Schaffer
I love it when people I live with say oh you should walk its good to induce labor and I'm the smart one saying well shouldn't the doctor okay it first I mean the whole goal is to keep her in there as long as possible till she's ready to come. I can understand if I was 39 weeks but I'm not I'm 36+5. it's something I don't get

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well yeah it does but my thing is the doctor said he wants the ultrasound first before I try to induce labor on my own. my room mates are like oh its okay and I'm like well I'm just gonna wait to be sure ya know
23.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
walking also helps with labor (for some) making it easier.
23.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
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