@kaylaromero, I had that entire first trimester. Was awful. And when I got nauseas the only thing that helped is laying down. Hope I don't have to go through that again during pregnancy.
mine isn't slight lol I can't even smell certain things with out needing to have the fan a different way so I'm not smelling it but the fan has to be on me cause I always feel like I'm hot.
I have a feeling that's gonna happen to me... only have 5 more weeks til I'm in my second trimester. the only really annoying thing is I now get really nauseas to the smell of lasagna... I use to LOVE IT!! and I was ecstatic when my husband said he was making it a few days ago and then when he opened the wrapping of it inside the box I smelled it all the way from the dining room and got nauseas all over again and the smell of it cooked smelled even worse -.-
Oh it's an every day thing for me... yesterday it eased up a bit but it's back again today and heart burn like a bitch ... ( my husband thinks that because I'm having heart burn this early I'm having twin boys)
lmfao oh, I wouldn't call myself lucky... I feel nauseous all day, I feel like if some of it would come out with out having to swallow some cause it won't fully come out I'd have a little more relief