Need to vent!!! What a lovely day it has been 😖😤:: went to to the dentist a month ago & found out I have some dental work that needs to be done, but my dentist wanted to wait until the baby was born to avoid sending me into pre-term labor. Well in the past week my mouth has really started to hurt, so I finally break down and call them to ask for some antibiotics. She goes ahead and calls in some and tells me I really should call an oral surgeon and see if they will go ahead and get my wisdom teeth removed & everything taken care of since it really is an "emergency" at this point...the problem is I am now 38 weeks pregnant and having my c-section in 7 days (next Thursday, if he doesn't come before then!) So irritating! Why couldn't they have just taken care of it to begin with rather than waiting until I am literally about to have a newborn to take care of along with a major abdominal surgery! So today I have been dealing with mouth pain that Tylenol won't even help, continuous contractions and to top it all off my A/C in my house went out a couple of hours ago and it is currently 80 degrees inside my house and my a/c guy won't be able to come and fix it until sometime tomorrow (hopefully)!!! 😓😥😰 wishing I would hurry up and go on into full labor tonight so I can at least get some sort of relief! LOL

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