Bryawna Farmer
Bryawna Farmer
Ive been breast feeding for 2 weeks now since my little one was born but as of Monday she refuses to latch or use anything but a bottle which I assume is because that's what she had at the NICU. She screams beyond anything I've ever heard from her if I even try so I've started pumping and bottle feeding it to her. My problem is that she eats so much and so constant that I cannot keep up with pumping and feeding. My milk has even decreased. I've had to start supplementing with formula in between feedings. My question is. Would it be bad to just convert to formula little by little? I feel so guilty but I just can't get enough for her and every time I pump it's after she falls asleep and by the time I'm done she is hungry again 😣 she only stays asleep longer with the formula.

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@arielle, @tracynangel @blessedmommy thank you ladies:) that helps❤️
20.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
I had to do it to. I felt really bad. as long as baby is getting fed(:
20.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
I did the exact same thing! Less milk supply, so I supplement with formula but still pump so he gets four bottles of breast milk a day! Anything helps! Don't feel bad!
20.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
@bryawna13, don't feel guilty momma. You're doing the best you can like the rest of us and in a perfect world we'd make enough to feed our babies and have enough pumped and stored up for them and all the babies in the world. But they grow and need more and sometimes our bodies can't keep up. Don't feel bad! I use earths best organic formula for sensitivity and it's worked great.
20.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
@arielle, I feel so guilty 😩
20.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
It's not bad momma. I had to do it too 😕
20.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
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