don't want to tell
don't want to tell
Hey everyone. I'm hoping I can get some assistance here. My man and I have beer trying to Concieve now we tried 4 times no luck yet. and well, every time we try I get nervous because I want to be pregnant so much and every time it's a negative I feel torn apart. Anyone here know of anyways that could help me over come that. And help me not imagine possible symptoms every time. I could really use some pointers (first time mom)

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I know what your feeling, took 10 months the first time for me as i was on birth control for four years before. Sadly my first pregnancy i miscarried early on. After that it was so hard not to feel so sad and disappointed. It took another five months to get pregnant again and now I'm 15 weeks. :) What I did in May when I became pregnant again was I used a regular digital thermometer to take my temp each morning before getting out of bed. When my temp started rising regularly i knew I had ovulated and when my temp had a sudden drop i was prepared to get my period and start another month of trying, in May my temp did not stop for two days after my expected period, that's when i bought a test and saw that beautiful positive. May was also the first month I used ovulation tests from the dollar store. took them at lunch cd 10-14 and got a positive on cd14.
27.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
I've been trying for nine months until I stopped caring and thinking about it, when I stopped stressing my self I got pregnant, don't push urself to hard sooner or latter ull get pregnant just try to relax and enjoy the sex with ur men :)
22.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
it took us 2.5 years before we conceived our first boy. it was hard, being disappointed every month. but with emotional support from my sister and my husband, I got through it
16.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
How do u coop with it
15.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have been trying for 4 months now's depressing every month when I get my period :( I already have a child and she was conceived after the second month of trying....just feels like this time around isn't that easy :( good luck to you!!
15.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
I know exactly what you're talking about..but I think there is nothing to worry about..its different for everyone! It typically took us 4 months to get pregnant and every time we did it was the month where both of us took vitamin e drops.But what worked for us might not for you.Eat healthy and try not to stress over it..I know easier said than done :) After 3 miscarriages we are finally where we wanted to be! Don't lose hope just yet
15.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
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