Never threw up and went to the toilet so much in my life. I have gastroenteritis, i feel so weak, cannot eat. Does anyone know if it can affect baby? x 😭 😔 😓
Yup, I told you xD xD :) :) :) No need to worry! xD xD Glad you are relieved xD :) :) Hehe, fights to look after your little one xD That's so cute! It is fighting to look after you too! xD :) :) xx @catdean15
@winterbaby95, saw doctor and he said baby will be fine as they are quite robust and my body naturally fights to look after my little one. So relieved Xx
@oweatherby, thank you for that. I went to see the doctor, he said im dehydrated and prescribed Dioralyte.... with that in my water i can drink if, plain water i throw up. I need to drink 1 litre a day for the next 2-3 days. My body aches but baths help. Diarrhoea stopped last night, thank god. Just rest and rehydrate. You were spot on, thanks Xx
My sisters friend had it not long ago and she is pregnant. The doctor told her that the baby will be fine. :) :) Don't know if that helped xD @catdean15
I dint find information that gastroenteritis can really harm your pregnancy... What does your midwife says?
Only I know get plenty of rest, as you will almost certainly feel drained of energy.Drink as much water or clear fluid as you can manage. If you are finding it hard even to keep water down, take tiny sips through a straw. If you have the appetite for them, try juices and soups, too.Eat as soon as your appetite returns. Try small, light meals, including carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, potatoes, pasta or rice. It's best not to have rich or spicy foods.Have a probiotic yoghurt or drink daily to help your digestive system get back to normal.Allow yourself plenty of time to recover.
If you have diarrhoea, you should not take anti-diarrhoea medicines, such as Imodium, during pregnancy. It is safe to take oral rehydration salts, such as Dioralyte. If you are in any doubt about whether it is safe to take medicines during pregnancy, check iwith your doctor or pharmacist.