What did you beautiful ladies use to get rid of streck marks after baby ? I have them all over on my hips and boobs !! 😫
8.7 лет

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Idk about pregnant stretch marks but I did get some from just growing when I was younger, and I caught them when they were still red which is the best time to reduce the appearance. I would use a skin brush before I got in the shower and then a brown sugar scrub that you can make yourself, just Google any recipe you think would work for you. Then after my shower I would rub vitamin e oil on them, I just bought the gel type vitamin e pills and would pip them open. You can't even tell I have them unless you put your face up to them.

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Idk about pregnant stretch marks but I did get some from just growing when I was younger, and I caught them when they were still red which is the best time to reduce the appearance. I would use a skin brush before I got in the shower and then a brown sugar scrub that you can make yourself, just Google any recipe you think would work for you. Then after my shower I would rub vitamin e oil on them, I just bought the gel type vitamin e pills and would pip them open. You can't even tell I have them unless you put your face up to them.

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