it's so hard I mean my family was never the best and there was always stress that's why my husband moved us so far away I understand it but I miss them sometimes even though my father can be a dick
I hear ya on that one our little girl Caitlin Mae will be the first child on my husbands side of the family. on my side she has myah my sisters daughter but she's 5 hours away and I kinda miss my family sometimes it sucks
Thank you! @momtobe092015 your little girl will be perfect and very healthy! ❤ we were hoping for a girl this time :P but am happy we are having another boy! We are the first in my boyfriends family to have two boys in a row!!
@momtobe092015, Baby Alán is going to have good lungs! He probably gets them 6-7 times a day, or more! His brother was the same way (: when he had his first cry, you knew he wasn't happy :P