Okay ladies I need help.
Premie baby girl born 6 weeks early ( actual due date was August 11)
I have a baby girl July 3rd. She will be 1 month this Friday. She is breastfeeding. She is doing all that she is supposed to.. My problem if it is one.. People keep telling me that I shouldn't hold her as much. I have a bassinet for but she doesn't seem to like that. I swaddle her but she doesn't like to be swaddle. The doctor told me that I should swaddle her below her arms so she still feels secure. I stopped sleeping in my bed and I started sleeping on the couch with her on my chest.. Or in her vibrating chair.. But most likely she is on my chest.. I honestly think she doesn't like to be cold. She enjoys my closeness and body heat. She still can't maintain her body temperature quite yet. Which is another reason I let her use my body heat. I just don't want her to be spoiled.. If I put her down she will sleep in her chair for Maybe and hour and a half... If she sleeps on my chest or me sitting up with her on my chest using a boppy or just cuddled up against me.. She will sleep for 3 .. 3.3 or. 4 hours if I nod off too. I just want to know any ways where I can trick her into thinking she is being held.. Or ways to help her get a good nights sleep in.. I don't want her to feel like I don't care.. But she likes being close to whoever is holding her.. She doesn't like to be cradled she like her belly against your belly. Please help.. Am i spoiling her? Google of fours says it's not spoiling.. My doctor gave me some suggestions.. But what do you guys think???

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I had a preemie and I slept on the couch with him for the first 2 months with him on my chest or beside me cause he had problems maintaining his body temp I kept my house at 78 degrees at all times and once he hit 3 months I started putting him in his co sleeper and sleeping with my head at the top of it so I could hear him if he woke and during the day I laid him in his bouncer he never had a problem transitioning from co sleeping with me to being in his own bed. but u can put her down for naps during the day and box her in with pillows so she thinks u are still there or put a shirt that smells like you next to hear or find a app with womb sounds should help her sleep without you
31.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I did the exact same thing with my two older kids for about 3 months you can try and get a shirt that smells like you to fool her into thinking she is by you maybe even something that vibrates or has a heartbeat like a womb bear it might help her
30.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
you are definitely not spoiling her. Kangaroo care (skin to skin, or her just laying on your chest) has been shown to be incredibly beneficial to preterm and normal term infants' development. It's great for bonding, and she'll only be this size for so long! She needs to be close to you now more than ever. I say go with your maternal instincts on this one.
30.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
from an article I read you can't actually spoil a baby according to experts, most of my worries were baseless. "During the first six months, it's really impossible to spoil a child," Meeting an infant's need to be comforted, held, and fed in a predictable fashion helps him feel secure and builds a loving relationship between parent and child according to the article ссылка
30.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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