Question here, not to offend anyone. just want to know out of curiosity, but why is it that some mommas want to give birth before 40 weeks? even before 38 weeks. Why not let the baby cook completely? Let baby come out when he/she is ready. I know pregnancy can be hard and tiring the last couple of weeks, but i think it's worth the wait.

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well I wanted my son out early because I had GD ( diabetes ) I didn't want to get any bigger my doctor decided at 39 weeks to induce me. I wish I could of had him in until he was ready but its scary being a high risk
30.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I was VERY anxious about giving birth and by 38 weeks I just wanted to do it already so that I could stop worrying about it. But I agree that it's the best thing for baby to stay in the belly till 40 weeks if possible😊 My son was born at 40+3
30.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Unless the doctor (aka PROFESSIONAL) says otherwise, I can't stand when women try to make baby come early. 😒 "I'm ready for baby to be here" is NOT a good reason. My daughter was over 41 weeks, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. 😊
30.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@proud_mami87, totally agree worth the wait. baby will come when is ready. I wanted to go full term with my little guy. .. but he decided to break my water and be 3 weeks v early!
30.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
idk it makes me sad knowing theres mommas out there that are trying to rush labor I wish I could go all 40 weeks with my pregnancies I had my son 33 weeks he was in ICU for 2 long weeks and I will be having my daughter early or even earlier than that
30.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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