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LABOR STORY PART TWO: Friday June 19 2015. I woke up with slight period type cramps. at first I thought nothing of it and called it round ligament pain and said it'll pass. I tried going back to sleep. after tossing and turning I couldn't fall asleep. the pain was getting a little sharper but nothing too unbearable. that Saturday I was going to be 37weeks along. I went downstairs from my room and told my mom about my pains. she never had any labor as both my sister and I were csection. my anxiety started to increase. around 10:30am, I told my mom that I think I need to go to the hospital. the doctor said I still have a while, but if the baby wanted to come, he wasn't going to stop it. my mom and I hopped in the car and we were off. one thing about my mom is she's a law abiding citizen. on our way to the hospital she went the speed limit. *facepalm* I could be in hardcore real labor and she's going the speed limit! -.- my mom drops me off at the front and I walk in to the front desk. I tell the lady I think I'm in labor. she says, "oh god!" and gets a man with a wheelchair to wheel me to the birthing center. once there, I fill out paperwork and answer a bunch of questions. they hook me up to machines to monitor the baby and ultimately bring in an ultrasound machine to see where my little guy was. next thing I know, the doctor checks my cervix and I'm 2-3cm dilated and 50% or so effaced. he went to call my doctor to see what he wanted to do. once he came back he told me that I was experiencing "relaxed labor". yes, my contractions are 5-8minutes apart, but my son could come today or two weeks from today. I was told to go home. be continued...

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