LABOR STORY PART ONE: Wednesday June 17th 2015 I had my weekly checkup with my OBGYN. it was the fastest time I've ever been in and out of his office. I'm usually there for a good hour and a half to two hours. this time I was in and out in a half hour. when I saw my doctor, he checked my cervix. he told me I was still only 1-2cm dilated. he then said, "its still gonna be a while, my friend..." oh. welp. that was fine with me. I made an appointment for the following Wednesday. Thursday June 18 2015 was a normal day for me. I sat around and slept. watched some Netflix. the usual. however, that night around 9:00pm I had the bright idea to clean my house as my man and his best friend were coming over early Friday morning. from 9:00pm-11:00pm I cleaned my house. I got everything clean besides the upstairs bathroom. my back just couldn't take anymore!! be continued...