40weeks 2days iv been in pain on/off all day and feel proper yucky but no real signs of labour starting 😔 .. i just want to see and snuggle my little man 💙
thank you @headblagging, iv done 3 out of them 5, drunk and eaten pineapple its coming out my ears if he hasnt made any sort of appearance by morning im tacking up my horse and going for a ride lol I will get this little man moving... well hopefully lol x
thank you, iv read up on what happens and iv been told it can be very uncomfortable but I have to try and do something to get him moving and I dont want to be induced iv only ever had one child that came on their own and it was so much better as I werent laid up in a bed strapped to a monitor I was able to walk about and control my own labour, being induced isnt that bad I dont remember the pains being worse than or coming quicker I was induced both times at about 7am and nothing happened until well after midday, he is moving just not as much as he was a few weeks/month ago iv been to triage last week and they were happy with him, sometimes I can get him moving with a cold glass of milk (his favourite) his movements are more solid one min my whole belly will be round then next he is on the right hand side under my ribs all tense and tight and like you very low, you have oc?? I bet you will be I understand they have to keep checking you but sometimes it can be too much, fingers crossed both your appointments will go well this week and hopefully this time next week we will both be holding our little ones :-) let me know how things go good luck to you @mummy123 xx
Good luck with the sweep,im guna try an avoid only cuz im a wimp haha 😂 im dreadin the inducing cuz with normal labour pain gradually builds up,with this contractions are quick apparently 😢 i can relate to you on this one,baby feels quite low and im not feelin much movement either,try a cold drink or fizzy that should get him movin,il be glad to see back of hospitals for a long time iv got a midwive apointment and a weekly assesment before im induced saturday xx @phiney
@mummy123, no never had a sweep before.. I have been induced twice though years ago they just used the pessary and broke your waters, I am really fed up I cant walk, turn over in bed im in so much pain, little man has his quiet moments which are freaking me a little I just want him out where I can see him and look after him properly xx
@jadehorror, all mine have been over due but this little monkey has been giving me false signs of coming for few weeks now i just want him out now, @mummy123 yeah my midwife is giving me a sweep hopefully on tuesday afternoon I'll be 40+5 and if nothing happens they won't induce until 3rd/4th august xx