Those of you who tore when you gave birth, when we're you able to use the restroom without being in SO much pain after? My little one just turned a month old yesterday, and I still fear using the restroom because of the pain I'm in afterwards... Granted I had a 2nd degree tear, from A to B...

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I had a 2nd degree tear and they gave me stool softener to help at home as well as some strong IB Profen. I'm almost 7 weeks healed but it still gets irritated every now and then. I tore them open a couple tines throughout the last few weeks but it's nothing to stress. just take your time (well as best as you can😉) when you got to the bathroom. Its not worth damaging your internal system out of fear. Time, water, softeners and a prayer lol!!!!!
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Yeah try that ! Also try eating more fiber & fruits & vegetables. @cray.xo
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I go to my pp check up on the 30th. That's just lovely, it'll probably take me longer then, considering everytime I go I rip them open a tiny bit again.. ugh. I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow and see if he will prescribe me a better stool softener, maybe that will help?
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Oh okay yeah going number 2 will hurt for a little while , have you had your pp check up yet ? It usually takes 6-8 sometimes even 12 weeks to fully heal depending on the tare you have .. @cray.xo
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Im not sure what they gave me, they said its what they give csection moms but its not a narcotic. It doesn't hurt when I pee, just when I go number 2. I usually fill my bathtub up with like 3 inches of hot water and that seems to be the only thing that helps even a little bit. & Oh yeah, I stay on top of cleaning it because I'm terrified of getting an infection and having to take antibiotics since I'm breast feeding. @hueysmommy12
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Oh & I had Percocets .. I think my first couple days it hurt to pee then after that the pain slowly went away I still had some aches .. Try using a basin fill it up with hot like hot hot water & see if that works .. Have you cleaned where your torn at the way they showed you ? @cray.xo
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have waterproof stitches, and I've tried two different sprays. But they don't help at all, my pain meds that they prescribed me don't even help with it. Like everytime I use to restroom I rip them open a little bit, I'm worried that it's never going to heal back up and I'm just going to keep messing them up. And since I'm scared to use the restroom I wind up not going for like 3-4 days and in the end it just makes it worse on me. @hueysmommy12
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@cray.xo, when I had my son && he tore me the gave me water proof stitches & this pain spray for when I'd use the bathroom & have pain just spray it on my area .
24.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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