been a while! but I'm still here ladies! been staying busy the last few months with work & juggling my little goober! 😊 moving into my new place in a couple short weeks with my baby boy & my love. making things happen, that's for sure! I am working full time for the American Cancer Society! & I LOVE it! & my baby boy is getting so big so fast! 8 months old and is already WALKING! He says momma (only when he cries) but dada was his first word. I can't believe how fast the time has gone! and to think I joined preggie when I was 3 months pregnant!!! one of the original mommas on here that's for sure! so, to those who remember me, my baby boy & I are doing great! & hope you all are too!! 😊😊😊
Just been busy @juliagail09 very very busy. lol worked 11 hour days all week the last 6 weeks in a row.. doing it again the next 4 weeks and then it will slow down a bit.