Kourtney Ray
Kourtney Ray
I am absolutely horrible at keeping y'all updated! Last time I got on here I was like what 26 weeks? Well ladies I am going to 36 weeks tomorrow! Little Brayden's due date is still running for August 16, but I HIGHLY doubt he will wait until then. At my last ultrasound when I was 30 weeks, he was already 4.5 pounds!! He was only supposed to be 2.5! So instead of gaining half a pound a week, he is gaining a whole pound or more. My belly is measuring 2 cm bigger than the amount of weeks I am actually pregnant as well. I go in for a final ultrasound on the 22nd of this month and will then find out how much he weighs now! Lord help me. If he weighs about 8 pounds or more (which I am expecting) my due date will be pushed sooner! Being pregnant during the summer time in south Texas is a living hell, so let's hope The Lord will allow me to deliver my baby before August 16th! I am in the nesting stage (packing, cleaning, getting ready) so I'm sure he will be here soon enough! Momma is ready when you are boo boo!💙

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