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Ok everyone I'm a little more sane now! So I'm willing to share my story now! I was in labor for almost 7 days was put in out of the hospital 3 times in one week to stop the labor! Btw magnesium is of the devil I renamed it devil juice my nurses thought I was hilarious but I was being serious! lol after 5 days of meds and hospital stays they sent me home Friday of last week I was 32 weeks 1 day. Saturday was a good day I was home bed rest but home! Well Saturday evening I started having contractions that actually hurt. I decided I wasn't going back just to get sent home and have more meds pumped into my baby! So I went to bed and got a couple hrs of sleep from 6pm til about 3:30 am on Sunday! I woke up to go potty when I went I seen blood so I put it high gear and got dressed to go to the hospital! Fastest I had moved in 2 months lol! Got to the hospital at 3:50 thank goodness we live so close. Well I was at 4cm so the decision was made at 4:10 to send me to a different hospital 45 minutes away. This hospital has one of the best NICUs in our state! So after the worst ride of my life strapped on a gurney in the back of an ambulance on a bumpy interstate while having contractions I made it at 5:30. After the initial flood of nurses I got to rest a bit of you can call it that. Around 9 a dr I've never met came on said your at 5 I'm breaking your water for a vaginal delivery. ( been told the entire time was having a csection because my angel baby was delivered by csection) so needless to say I panicked but he assured me I would be ok! At 3:45 in the afternoon I was still at 5 cm but contractions were unbearable back to back! The nurse was like it could be hrs still do you want the epidural now I didn't want it to wear off so I said no! 5 minutes later she checked me I was at 7 but the anesthesiologist had just been called to a csection. Another 5 minutes I was at 9cm. I pushed for 15 minutes and he was out! Joshua Aiden was born at 4:45 7/12/15 5lbs 7oz 18.5 inches long. He is in the NICU and has lost all that fluid weight he is now 4lbs 15 oz more normal weight for a 33 weeker which he is today! He is doing amazing our biggest hurdle right now is accepting a bottle and getting the feeding tube out and jaundice but he's a fiesty one so he will be fine! I just wanted to share my story of my axing lil boy! Sorry so long!

Лучший комментарий


Congratulations! He is adorable 😚
16.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@edomke, thanks he had a full belly and was knocked out here lol but he knows how to throw a fit to
16.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Aww he looks like such a sweet heart!
16.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I did also we tried for 7 yrs we got our miracle in feb 2014 but unfortunately she didn't make it I gave up hated myself even told hunny to go find him someone normal! But him loves me told me to hush that up I was perfect! Without warning I found out in January we were expecting without any medical intervention. There is hope I'm proof please share my story with her!
16.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
;) Glad he's doing well ;)
16.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@lp1988727, thanks I'm kinda Yes he's a big baby to be so early everyone is shocked! I get to go love on him at 12 today so excited!
16.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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