That's what I did with my son i had this year in March! I was only 1cm when I got membrane sweep at 1pm I went home around 1:50 I took 2spoons of it then I waited a few I went to pee I was spotting so I went to get food for my kids then went to my moms because I didn't want to be alone with all my kids and hubby was working so around 4pm I started contracting they where coming every 5 mins past an hour I was walking around the block hubby got to me around 8pm we dropped out kids off to his mom we got to hospital around 10 they checked me I was 4cm contractions 2-5min they got me a room around 1 something am I had him at 2:50am
I was thinking about taking it because I'm due tomorrow but nothing is happening.. The doctors are going to strip my membranes on Wednesday so I figure I should take it after I leave there @ms rissa2015 @proud_mommyof4