Madi Erickson
Madi Erickson
My daughter is almost 4 months old and has been ebf until recently. My supply has gone down greatly due to stress and lack of pumping due to my hectic work schedule (I work 2 jobs and work 7 days a week). Because of my supply decrease I've started supplementing with formula. Breastfeeding is so much harder than I thought. I really don't wanna give up, but my supply can't keep up with my daughters appetite. Any advice? Encouragement? My heart is broken because I hate giving her formula and I hate that I don't have a sufficient supply 😔

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no problem if you want to join it may take a bit longer today being the weekend if you don't get accepted by later tonight tag me and I'll post to have someone accept you!
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thank you @steph11
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Facebook search of this group they are amazing its, breastfeeding, the struggles we've overcome
someone will have to add you which make take a few hours but they are a amazing group and have helped me soooooo much
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
are you using a electric pump some women don't respond well to pumps which you could still have plenty of milk. I would try a cheap hand pump see if it'll hell because you can watch how it flows out so you can control the speed more or try hand expressing! I know that'll and it's a lot of work but it could help and if try lactation cookies or put brewers yeast and flaxseed in smoothies if you like smoothies
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@mamalamadingdong, thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
P.s. I BF and EBF for over a year while working and maintaining a busy schedule. I would even pump in my car during lunch breaks when I had to and would bring insulated bags with ice packs to save the milk. If I could do it- anyone can with some determination (assuming there are no actual complications, anyways). Lol, trust me.
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
It seems to be a common issue at four months for a lot of us. I know I went through it with my first and was experiencing the same issues you are talking about. I started to think I'd have to supplement or even give up, but I didn't. Once you get past that four-month-hump, it gets WAY easier. Supply will pick back up if you just keep pushing through it. I know it's hard to pump, but that also gets easier with time and when you are more comfortable with a routine of doing it. It's really up to you and what you find important. There is no right or wrong choice. However, if it is important to you to BF longer, than let me encourage you and promise it gets better! You just gotta hang in there. If you choose not to, that's okay, too. You've already given your baby the most valuable gift during these last few months and you should be proud.
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm here with you as well
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I feel like I never have time to pump and when I do it's not enough. 😔
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Maybe try some mothers milk tea or some lactation cookies. I know it's hard but you've gotten this far you can keep going I know it! 💪🏼
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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